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Benelux Roadshow – We have to make the bus the most obvious choice

Four speakers, one moderator, lots of anecdotes and revealing facts about Fresh Travel in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg: that was the Benelux Roadshow. Find out what driverless vehicles have to do with France‘s Olympic shooting team, why 50 per cent of public transport users encounter major obstacles, and why there was a time when vehicles were preceded by a pedestrian with a red flag.

Moderator Frans Tillema asks what has to happen in order for him to get on a bus and experience the same thrill as opening a box of new sneakers. Patrick Oosterveld, sales director at Ebusco, Chris Beghin, strategic adviser, Benelux, for the Keolis Group, Menno Van der Zee, co-founder of The Routing Company, and Lukas Wilde, business development manager, DACH, at Heliox, provide the answers. As well as contributing with their expert knowledge of AI, bus design, platooning, charging infrastructures, network management, data analysis and routing, they also talk about their work behind the scenes. It includes anecdotes that do not make it onto the front pages of newspapers and their short to medium-term visions of the mobility sector. In that context they quote Sir Paul McCartney, who once said „“a developed country is not a place where the poor use cars but where the rich use public transport.“

You can watch the BUS2BUS Digital Roadshow in the Benelux countries in full here.

Chris Beghin, Strategischer Berater Benelux, Keolis Group
Patrick Oosterveld, Verkaufsleiter Ebusco B.V.
Menno Van der Zee, Mitgründer The Routing Company
Lukas Wilde, Geschäftsentwicklung DACH, Heliox


Frans Tillema, (NED), Prof. für intelligente Mobilität, Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen

Kerstin Kube-Erkens, Direktorin BUS2BUS
Willow Beck-Jewett, Projekmanagerin BUS2BUS, Messe Berlin GmbH

International representatives of Messe Berlin:
Gianna Corbelli – Deutsch Niederländische Handelskammer
Laura de Coorebyter – Deutsch-Belg-Lux. Handelskammer,

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