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BUS2Talk: Autonomous Public Transport with Motor Ai

Guest: Roy Uhlmann, CEO, Motor Ai

How can systems make their own decisions and in doing so help people? That was the question that Roy Uhlmann and his team asked themselves when they established Motor Ai in 2017. The result is a sophisticated system that makes transparent decisions even in situations it has not encountered before. Motor Ai has made AI understandable and developed a level 4 automated driving function which in accordance with the directive on the type approval and operation of self-driving vehicles (AFGBV), which became law on 1 July 2022, officially permits their use in Germany.

Together with Kerstin Kube Erkens and Totinia Hörner, Roy Uhlmann explains level 1 to 5 automated driving functions. He reveals why he sees rural areas as having the greatest demand for public transport with self-driving vehicles in conjunction with on-demand systems, and also why he thinks automated systems can solve the problem of driver shortages. “We are not taking anyone’s jobs away because the drivers we are competing against do not effectively exist“, he says. To find out how Motor Ai developed its technology and how other EU states reacted to Germany enacting the above law, why not listen to the latest episode of BUS2Talk.

A note for all non German-speaking listeners: this episode is only available in German.

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